human resource professional (online)

human resource professional (online)


在线 Human 资源 专业 Training Course

Become a Certified HR 专业

人力资本是任何企业中最重要的资产,而人力资源 professionals are charged with protecting these assets. 这 100% online human resources 培训课程将为您准备人力资源专业人员(PHR)和 人力资源副专业人员(aPHR)认证考试由 Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI). You also will prepare for the Certified 专业 (SHRM-CP) exam. By course completion, you will be fully equipped to advance 在短短六个月的时间里,你就可以成为一名合格的人力资源专家.


Job Outlook for Human 资源 专业s

美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates an 8% job growth for human resources 专家和管理职位的增长率略高. 这 will equal an additional 33,000 job openings over the next eight years. 中位数 人力资源专家的年薪接近6.2万美元,收入高的人挣得更多 than $105,000 annually.


Course Objectives:

  • 学习与人力资源认证相一致的行业认可的实践 Institute (HRCI) and the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).
  • 为人力资源专业或副专业做好充分准备 in Human 资源 certification from HRCI. You will also be prepared for the Certified 专业 certification by SHRM.
  • 了解人力资源实践和招聘相关的宝贵技能 培训.
  • Gain foundational knowledge of employment laws and regulations.
  • 为战略决策制定制定保留计划和最佳实践.
  • 学习实施保留计划、远程工作和多样性的策略; Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) considerations.


Prerequisites and Requirements

在那里 are no specific prerequisites for taking this course. However, HRCI requires 你符合下列其中一项条件,才可申请医师证书:

  • 至少1年以上人力资源工作经验 master's degree or higher.
  • 至少2年专业人力资源工作经验 a bachelor's degree.
  • 至少4年专业人力资源工作经验 less than a bachelor's degree.
  • No HR experience is required to sit for the aPHR exam. You will need a high school diploma, but you don’t need any additional education.
  • Similarly, no HR experience or degree is required for the SHRM-CP exam; however, a 具有基本的人力资源实践和原则的工作知识或具有人力资源管理学院的学位 Aligned program is recommended.


  • INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN RESOURCES -了解人力资源领域的机会以及成功所需的技能.    
  • HR’S ROLE IN STRATEGY -学习如何创建引人注目的愿景和使命宣言、政策和指标 grounded in business strategy.   
  • AFFIRMATIVE ACTION -学习平权行动的全部内容,如何创建平权行动 plan, and information on the AAP you will need to know.
  • DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION -理解什么是多样性、公平和包容,以及为什么这是一件好事 一个组织,当你学会在你的组织中培养包容性.
  • MAKING HR DECISIONS -学习如何根据不同的公司发展战略以及如何做出决策 运用人力资源信息系统软件和职业分析作为决策的工具.
  • 保留 -了解员工离开公司的主要原因,以及如何鼓励他们 to stay as well as the importance of succession planning. 
  • RECRUITING AND HIRING EMPLOYEES -了解如何写一个招聘广告,将吸引候选人,有效的审查 因此,要为面试做好充分的准备,并正式提出工作邀请.
  • TRAINING PROGRAMS -学习培训的基础知识,包括设计,开发,实施, analysis, and evaluation of 培训 programs.
  • CREATING A HIGH-PERFORMANCE WORKPLACE -学习如何向员工征求意见并采取行动,授权,保持沟通 在你努力发展高绩效的过程中,敞开心扉,不断地寻求反馈 工作场所.
  • APPRAISING AND IMPROVING EMPLOYEES’ PERFORMANCE - Learn the purpose of performance appraisals and the key elements. 识别 most common biases and errors that affect performance appraisals.
  • 远程工作 - Understand the current state of remote and hybrid work. Evaluate the best practices and legal considerations for remote and hybrid work.
  • WORKPLACE COMMUNICATION, MOTIVATION, AND DIGITAL MEDIA -学习网络和关系建立的重要性和最佳实践. Identify different ways to improve employee motivation.
  • COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS -了解在设计补偿时必须考虑的所有事情 and benefits package.  
  • EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND SAFETY -学习遵守OSHA的来龙去脉,防止工作场所的危害; 调查、记录和预防事故和员工疾病.  
  • THE LEGAL ENVIRONMENT -了解就业法,了解平等就业 机会,避免歧视,以及当员工申请平等就业机会时会发生什么 索赔.  
  • EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND DISCIPLINE -了解保护员工权利和隐私的法律,以及如何进行适当的监控 and document behavior and discipline employees.
  • 调查 -了解为什么调查问题如此重要,以及调查的步骤 有效的调查包括准备、进行和结束.
  • MANAGING LABOR RELATIONS -快速了解工会的历史,了解他们的运作方式和原因 employees join them.
  • GLOBAL HUMAN RESOURCES -了解基本的人员配置策略,文化差异,其他国家的人力资源 choosing global employees, and issues faced by expatriates.
  • PREPARING FOR THE PHR EXAM -在你回顾基础知识的同时,获得有关实习和实习的信息 PHR exam and begin to study.

Registration and Enrollment

这 course is 100% online. 随时开始.




安娜·史密斯在人力资源领域工作了30年,并教过书 at the university level for over 20 years. She holds a bachelor's degree in business 斯伯丁大学行政管理硕士学位,韦伯斯特大学管理学硕士学位 并获得伊利诺伊大学在线教学硕士证书. 她也是人力资源高级专业认证和人力资源管理高级认证 专业. 她的经验横跨人力资源的许多领域,包括招聘, labor relations, and affirmative action plans.
